JUMP TOBurqAPI OrientationTerminology and ConceptsAPI ConventionsRate LimitsAuthenticationIdempotencyPaginationWalk ThroughGenerating QuotesCreating Delivery RequestsInitiating DeliveryChecking Delivery StatusCanceling a DeliveryWebhooksBurq APIsQuotes APIGet QuotespostDelivery APIsCreate DeliverypostInitiate DeliverypostCancel DeliverypostList DeliverygetGet DeliverygetStore APIsCreate StorepostList StoregetUpdate StoreputDelete StoredeleteGet StoregetDelivery Incident APIsList Delivery IncidentsgetCreate Delivery IncidentpostGet Delivery IncidentgetConnected Account Invitation APIsCreate Connected Account InvitationpostGet Connected Account InvitationgetPowered by API OrientationIn this section we will get you up and running with the Burq API. You will learn about the following: API Conventions Rate limits Creating and Account and Using the Dashboard Authenticating API Calls Terminology and Concepts Contacting Support