You will need an API Key in order to invoke API endpoints.

You will have API keys for both a Sandbox as well as the Production environment and both are available through the Burq Dashboard (see below).

You will send your API key as part of the x-api-key header parameter.

Below is an example of an API call using this header.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: 773e7b38-d83a-4663-9819-abcdeabcde01'

Environments and Getting Your API Keys

Burq offers two different environments:

  • a test environment you may use to validate your application
  • a production environment, which will require valid payment methods to have been set up with our system

These environments have separate API Keys, which you may retrieve through the Burq Dashboard.

Getting an API Key for the Test Environment

To get your Test Environment API Key, make sure the Test Environment toggle at the top of the Burq Dashboard app is set to the on position.


The Dashboard Test Environment toggle set to "on"

Then navigate to the “Developers” section in the left hand nav. From there you can copy your API key from the text box labeled “Sandbox Key” to use within your API calls.


Where to copy your Sandbox Key from in the Dashboard

Getting an API Key for the Production Environment

To get your Production Key, make sure the Test Environment toggle at the top of the dashboard app is set to the off position.


The Dashboard Test Environment toggle set to "off"

Then navigate to the “Developers” section in the left hand nav. From there you can copy your API key from the text box labeled “Production Key” to use within your API calls.


Where to copy your Production Key from