The Burq API is composed of the following entities:
Before placing a Delivery, it is possible to generate an estimate or a “quote” to give the end user an idea as to the cost of transporting items between their proposed "pick up" and "drop off" addresses.
Quotes may be referenced later when requesting a Delivery.
See: Generating Quotes
Delivery Request
When creating a Delivery, you will need to submit parameters similar to that for generating a quote, as well as a manifest of items to be delivered.
See: Creating Delivery Requests
The Delivery entity in our system contains all the information provided in the Delivery Request as well as additional information such as:
- status of the delivery
- service that is handling delivery
- information about the courier when that information is available
See: Initiating Delivery and Checking Delivery Status
Delivery Size Options
When you are generating a quote or defining a delivery, in addition specifying the number of items and providing a description for your items, you will need to provide a size estimate.
The following sizes have been pre-defined by the API with guidance as specified. These sizes will factor into the pricing as well as how the delivery provider handles your order, so it is important to specify this aspect of your order correctly.
The order item can be easily carried with one hand, e.g. a shoe box
You need a bag to carry the order item, e.g. a retail bag
Need two hands to carry the order item, e.g. a computer monitor
Extra Large
The order item fits in the trunk of a car or multiple trips are necessary to transport the order item from the vehicle to its destination
The endpoints for generating Quotes and Deliveries require addresses for the pickup/origin and the dropoff/destination of the delivery.
The address is treated as a single field and it is expected to be formatted as follows:
Street Address, City, State, Zip
You must specify addresses in accordance with the format used by the national postal service of the country concerned (currently the United States for Burq).
Additional address elements such as business names and unit, suite or floor numbers should be avoided as that may result in a malformed address.
Street address elements should be delimited by spaces.