Sign Up and the Dashboard

Signing Up For Burq

In order to use the Burq API, you will first need to create an account. Request a demo here.

Getting to Know the Burq Dashboard

Once you have signed up for Burq, you will have access to our Dashboard.

The Burq Dashboard allows you to create and manage deliveries through a web based UI in both test and production environments (you can switch between the two with a simple toggle at the top of the app). When operating in production mode, you can manage payment methods for production.

Although you will likely be integrating your apps through our REST API, it is helpful to have some familiarity with the dashboard.

You can set delivery-related preferences and view analytics through the dashboard as well as use it as a reference implementation.

The Dashboard Landing Page

The Burq dashboard home will list all the deliveries that you have created and their statuses. This UI will be useful to verify that your calls to the Burq API are successfully creating deliveries as you intended.

Creating Deliveries with the Dashboard

On the home page, click on "Create Delivery" to generate quotes and create new deliveries, just as you would through the API.


Quote and Delivery Input in the Burq Dashboard